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Monitor is a tool for displaying images or video at will by the user.


Monitor the other terms are also called VDU (Video Display Unit), is one of the most important parts of a computer unit. As already mentioned above, the monitor is the output and the most often seen when we are operating a computer.

The function of the monitor is to demonstrate the data or processes that occur in the CPU (Central Procecing Unit) visually. The process that occurs in Cpu converted by a video adapter / video board from the digital form of data signal will be channeled through the cable connecting to the monitor.

Monitor parts

Part-bagiandari a monitor can be divided into 2 parts (Yus, 1994), namely:


the outside of the monitor is similar to the television screen. The outside of the monitor consists of several components including: chassis monitors, display and front controls consisting of:


power switch

Power indicator

horizontal phase control

vertical phase control

Bright control

contras control

horizontal size control

vertical size control



If we had opened a monitor, then we will see an electronic circuit comprising electronic components and IC-IC. All these electronic components are working for a section called vacuum tubes. The front of the vacuum tube will be found a layer of phosphorus. Phosphorus is used because it can glow when hit by electrons. Phosphor layer is useful for displaying points as terlohat on the screen.

Meanwhile, behind a layer of phosphorus found another part called the cover image (shadow mask). Closing this image also equipped with small holes. The function of the holes is very small for fang road that would pass electrons. Can also be added that the distance enter these holes will determine the distance between pixels on our computer monitors.

At the back of the vacuum tube will be found a section for the electron gun toward the front of the tube. This section is surrounded by an electric magnetic field which serves to deflect the electrons. In monochrome monitor types there is only one electron gun, was on the monitor that there are three color electron gun.

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