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Step by Step to Install Computer

1. prepare cd microsoft windows original
2. prepare cd rom
3. bios settings to boot first position cd rom
4. insert your cd microsoft
5. and let's go work to install

Software needed ?

If u want to make a Computer work you must Install your computer with some program.
1. windows XP / Vista
2. microsoft office
3. adobe photoshop
4. corel draw
5. and driver software from mainboard system configurate.

CPU (Central Processing Unit)

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit), refers to computer hardware that understand and execute commands and data from the software.

PU component is divided into several types, namely as follows.

* Control unit that organizes the course of the program. This component is certainly present in all the computer controls CPU.CPU duty resulting in synchronization between the components work in carrying out operations functions. included in the control unit responsibility is to take instructions, instructions from main memory and determine the type of instruction. If there are instructions for arithmetic or logical comparisons, the control unit will send instructions to the ALU. Results from processing the data carried by the control unit to the main memory for storage, and in time will be presented to the output device. Thus the task of this control unit are:

• Organize and control the input devices and output. • Taking instructions from main memory. • Importing data from main memory (if necessary) to be processed. • Sending instructions to the ALU when there is a comparison arithmetic or logic, and oversees the work of the ALU. • Save the results to the main memory.

* Register is a small storage device that has a high access speed, which is used to store data and / or instructions that are processed. This memory is temporary, usually used to store data if or when the data for further processing. By analogy, these registers can be likened to a memory in the brain when we do data processing manually, so the brain can be likened to the CPU, which contains memories, control units that regulate the activities of the body and have a place to perform calculations and logical comparisons.
* ALU units assigned to perform arithmetic operations and logic operations defined by instructions. ALU often called machine language for this section ALU consists of two parts, namely arithmetika units and boolean logic units, each of which has its own job specifications. The main task of the ALU is to perform all arithmetic calculations (math) which occurs in accordance with the instructions of the program. ALU perform all the basic arithmetic operations so that the sum of the electronic circuitry that is used is called adder.

Another task of the ALU is to make a decision of a logic operation in accordance with the instructions of the program. Logic operation involves two Operands comparisons using specific logic operator, which is equal to (=), not equal to (¹), less than (<), less than or equal to (£), greater than (>), and greater or equal to (³).

* Interconnections are CPU and bus connection system that connects the CPU's internal components, ie ALU, control unit and registers as well as the external buses connecting the CPU with other systems, such as main memory, device input / output.

[edit] How CPU Work

When data and / or instruction-processing incorporated into devices, the first one placed in the RAM (via Input-storage); if the instruction form fit to the Control Unit in-storage program, but if the shape of the data stored in the Working-storage). If the register is ready to accept the work execution, then the Control Unit will take instructions from the program-storage for ditampungkan to the Instruction Register, and memory addresses containing the instructions stored in the Program Counter. While the data taken by the Control Unit of the Working-storage to be accommodated in the general-purpose registers (in this case the Operands-register). If based on the instructions of workmanship carried out is arithmatika and logic, the ALU will take over the operation to do based instruction set. The result is accommodated in the Accumulator. If the results of processing has been completed, the Control Unit will take the results of processing the Accumulator to fit back into the Working-storage. If the overall processing is completed, the Control Unit will pick up the processing of the Working-storage to fit into the Output-storage. Then the rest of Output-storage, processing results will be displayed to the output-devices.
[edit] Function CPU

CPU functions like a calculator, only much more powerful CPU processing power. The main function of the CPU is to perform arithmetic and logic operations on data retrieved from memory or from the information entered via some hardware, like keyboards, scanners, lever controls, and mouse. CPU controlled using a set of instructions the computer software. The software can be run by the CPU to read from storage media such as hard disks, floppy disks, compact disks, or tape recorder. The instructions are then stored in advance in physical memory (RAM), which each instruction will be given a unique address called a memory address. Furthermore, the CPU can access data in RAM to determine the address of the desired data.

When a program is executed, the data flows from RAM to a unit called a bus, which connects the CPU with RAM. The data then decoded by using the unit as a process called instruction pendekoder able to translate the instructions. The data then goes to the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) to perform calculations and comparisons. Data can be stored temporarily by the ALU in a memory location called registers that can be taken back to be processed quickly. ALU can perform certain operations, including addition, multiplication, subtraction, test the condition of the data in the register, to send the results back to the processing of physical memory, storage media, or register if will process the results of the processing again. During this process occurs, a unit of the CPU, called the program counter to monitor for successful instruction is executed so that instruction can be executed in the correct order and appropriate.
[edit] branching instructions

Processing instructions in the CPU was divided into two phases, Phase-I called the Instruction Fetch, whereas Phase-II called Instruction Execute. Phase-I consists of processing CPU Control Unit which takes data and / or instructions from main-memory to the register, while the Phase-II, which contains the processing CPU Control Unit delivers data and / or instructions from the registers to main-memory for stored in RAM, after Instruction Fetch done. When the stage-I plus the time in stage-II, called the machine cycle time (machine cycles time).

The counter in the CPU program generally moves in sequence. However, some instructions in the CPU, which is called the jump instruction, allowing the CPU to access the instruction lies not in order. This is also called branching instructions (branching instruction). The branches of these instructions can be conditional branch (having a particular condition) or non-conditional. A branch of non-conditional always move to a new instruction that is outside the flow of instruction, while a conditional branch will first examine the results of previous operations to see if the branch instruction will be executed or not. Data are tested for the branching instruction is stored at a location called the flag.

nia rahma
[edit] Numbers can be handled

Most CPUs can handle two types of numbers, namely fixed-point and floating-point. Fixed-point numbers have a specific figure on the value of one decimal point. This is indeed limiting the possible range of values for these numbers, but this would be calculated by the CPU faster. Meanwhile, the floating-point numbers are numbers expressed in scientific notation, where a number is represented as a decimal number is multiplied by a power of 10 (such as 3.14 x 1057). Scientific notation like this is a short way of expressing very large numbers or very small numbers, and also allowed range of values very well before and after the decimal point. These numbers represent commonly used in graphics and scientific work, but the arithmetic of floating-point numbers is much more complicated and can be completed in a longer time by the CPU as they may be able to use some CPU cycle rate. Some computers use a processor itself to calculate the floating-point numbers called with FPU (also called math co-processor) that can work in parallel with the CPU to speed up the calculation of floating-point numbers. FPU is now a standard in many computers because most applications today operate using many floating-point numbers.